Programs & Services

Educational Services

At the heart of our Education Program is a group of dedicated early childhood teachers who all have degrees and credentials in Early Childhood Education.  They work diligently to provide our children with individualized, age appropriate activities that help them acquire skills necessary for public school.

Since young children enjoy active learning, each day is full of hands-on fun with games, toys, music, art, books, science, blocks, gardening and more!  Each day is planned around a High Scope routine which includes large group time, small group time, center time, outdoor play and meals.  We provide a balance of teacher directed and child initiated times that allow children to learn to make plans, implement those plans, and talk about their accomplishments with the group. 

As teachers observe each child, they assess skill levels and enter data into individual assessments each week.  This allows the teacher to develop plans specific to the needs of all of the children. 

Our teachers use a web-based assessment program called “Teaching Strategies Gold.”  Parents all have access to their child’s assessment information.

Home visits and conferences are conducted twice per year so parents and teachers can share information for the benefit of their child.  Parents are encouraged to participate in their child’s education program by volunteering in the classrooms, attending parent meetings, and assisting with special activities.

 We are proud of our education program and we know that your child will receive the best early childhood education available.  Our children leave us with knowledge and with a passion for learning while our families leave us prepared to support their child in all aspects of higher education.